Thursday, September 2, 2010

Capt Ankisha Awasthi

Flying,  is something so unique in itself .No two flights can be same.

Everyday is different , and that’s the thrill of it.

This is an incident when I was being trained for my Private Pilot License.

Flying was good , instructors were great and supportive.

However as we used to discuss our daily progress among our buddy trainee Pilots,

I realized I was going slow irrespective of seeing how different their training was from mine.

Some time a thought is enough to break you and comparison can be the worst enemy,

It came into my mind and was set , that others are  better performers.

I stand somewhere behind among all .A only thought enough to break me! and anybody.

Irrespective of great efforts from my instructor as well as my side , things were not improving

My flying performance started deteriorating .As this little negative thought made a room in my mind.

I tried ,I practiced and I flied ,practicing , chair flying , studing..everything was done,

but response was still poor..

The little negative seed was buried deep inside...

Finally one friend tried to help and asked me to sit in a plane and chair fly with him.

He said that he will give me all the situations of flights and I have to react as if I am flying.

I agreed to try..

It was late night we drove 13 miles to flying school , saw an plane parked,

and we hopped in.

Now he quized me to begin with very first step to last ,to pre-flight ,to taxi ,to just touch all the instrument,make all the RT calls..and  feel it like as you really making it to fly..I did ,I assumed it right..and was following step by step.

Under procedure ,before starting an engine we got to say it loud –“PROP CLEAR”.

In order for proximity planes and people around to know that we are starting the engine..and they need to clear the propeller area.

I said prop clear , he asked me to say it loud

I again said prop clear ,he said louder.

High pitch was just not coming in.

It seemed as it was just not present in my throat. There was something stoping me to shout.

My own fear ,my own belief that I just can't.

He said and made me say it like 10 times ,pitch still remaining low

At last  rather then being so hard on myself ,and blaming my own self.

I thought to just shout it out once

Now this was the first time I thought ...hey shouting is not the big deal..I can,,

and I did shout...PROP was loud.

That very act brought energy infact reservoir of energy within.

It generated the thought that I can make things happen..

it was like a ray of hope...the light .the shifting of mind...the ignition of fuel inside..

the rusted mind ..was shining again.

 I thought ..hey why on earth I was stopping myself

I m no less...

the very thought..change in outlook..different perspective ..changed everything.

After that every flight went well ,performance raised and there was no looking back.

I came among top student..the only competitor was my own self.

and underestimation was the doubt in my abilities went forever.

That day I realized how strongly can belief , positive thinking ,confidence can effect a flight or rather entire life.

After that I made more then 100 Safe n smooth Landings at various Airports of America.

I won, Got my Commercial Certificate with Flying colors..

and Today I am a USA trainind Comercial Pilot .....

Happy Landings.........

Capt Ankisha Awasthi
CPL  [ FAA, USA  ]

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